Odor Control Maxi

Odor Control Maxi 

This machines is designed to respond rapidly on odour nuisances and to give the possibility of:

  • using a preparation which, under the given weather conditions and at a given type of odours, is most effective (wet deodorisation, dry deodorisation, microbial deodorization),
  • using at the site of the plant where deodorisation need arises ( mobililty ) ,
  • creating an anti-odor barrier thanks to a targeted strong fog stream,
  • programming machine uptime in order to make deodorization process the most efficient and unsupervized.


Dry fog easily and quickly spreads through the air making deodorization treatment effective. Anti-odor solution is rotated in the difusion nozzles  improving its circulation. Microscopic particles of the solution of the preparation are suspended in the air and tie thiols in order to improve the hedonic quality of the air. The device is highly effective thanks to the original design of the fogging nozzle and to the range of penetration. In closed volumes, the machine effectively fumigates up to 5000 m3 and in open spaces up to 200 linear meters.